In order to see specific subset of the data, you can filter responses by using one or more of the filters at the top of the Dashboard and clicking on Search:
- Project
- Target Group
- Task
- Respondent
- Type
- Rating (Optional)
- Keywords
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition) (Optional)
- From and To
- Search Text
Filters Explained
You can filter Responses by using one or more of the filters at the top of the Dashboard and clicking on the Search icon.
As well as using filters one by one, they can also be used together to refine the results of the Search e.g. selecting one or more options from the Respondent + Task filters will return only the results for what Respondents has uploaded to a particular Task.
This is the first filter that should always be selected as soon as you log into the Dashboard is the 'Project' filter.
This ensures that the other filters will work better or more effectively.
Target Group:
These are groups or segments by which you have organised your respondents. Selecting one or more Targets will show you all responses from members of that/ those group(s).
This will allow you to selecting one or more tasks to show you all Responses related to the chosen Tasks.
IMPORTANT! The task filter is segmented by Target group. This gives you a choice; you can choose to filter to the uploads to a task from one target group only or you can choose to view the uploads to a task from several target groups at once.
This will allow you to select one or more respondent to display all of the responses from your selection.
You can also filter by Alias via the Respondent filter. This can be useful when you need to filter by Respondent attributes, or if Moderators assign unique identifiers / codes to Respondents in anonymised studies.
You can choose the type of upload you wish to see (photo, video [which includes screen recordings], notes)
Rating (Optional):
This filter becomes available when the Ratings feature has been enabled on the project.
This will allow you to filter to see which uploads respondents have applied your selected rating to.
This allows you to quickly see a list of the top 100 Keywords for any search you run on the dashboard.
This filter will change and adapt depending on the other filters you have set, eg Task.
This gives you an instant understanding of any trending or recurring words and helps you quickly surface themes and trends in the data.
The keywords searches the video transcripts, written captions, notes and comments that the Respondents have uploaded.
To use this filter:
- Select at least one project from your Project filter
- Click on the Keywords dropdown
- Select one or more Keywords from the dropdown menu. Choose the “OR” option if you want to display responses which have at least one of the keywords you wish to select. Select “AND” if you want to display responses which contain all of the keywords you wish to select.
- Click on the Search button.
- Once your Keyword search has completed you will see the selected Keyword highlighted in the search results
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) (Optional):
OCR searches the words/ text that appear on screen, during a respondent's screen recording or video. The OCR filter allows to these OCR strings; this makes the video searchable.
Where the video/ screen recording transcripts transcribe what the respondents are saying, the OCR transcribes what the respondents are doing or showing you.
In effect, it transcribes the words/ text that appears on screen during a respondent's screen recording or video.
There are 3 columns of data:
1. The first column is the timestamp: the point in the video where this text is visible.
2. The second column is the data: the string of text picked up on the screen.
3. The 3rd column is the point of appearance: the pink shapes indicate the point and duration of the text in the recording.
You might notice some numbers, eg ’12.18’, this is the time from the clock on screen during a screen recording, picked up as text by the OCR.
You can scroll through this view, or you can hover over, or click on a pink shape:
- Hovering over a pink shape shows you the timestamp it appears at
- Clicking on a pink shape will take you directly to that point in the video where the string of text begins to appear.
The OCR filter is scanning the OCR tabs on each video/screen recording upload and listing the strings in order of what is seen on screen for the longest at the top within your chosen search criteria (the other filters you have set).
You can type into the search box in the filter to search for a string.
When you click on the Search icon to the right of the Filters, you will see on each upload card, a number appear over the OCR button.
This is the duration of the appearance of the filtered string(s) within this upload.
From and To:
Search for responses from a particular date range.
Search Text:
Use this to find a particular word or phrase from respondents uploads