Uploads from all respondents from all of your projects are displayed here in reverse chronological order.

Using the dashboard, you can search for responses by using the different filters available as well as being able to switch between views by clicking on the different buttons below.

For more on searching and filtering, please visit: Searching & Filtering

Quick Tour

Each upload is displayed within it's own 'card'. 

This card contains all the relevant information relating to the upload and to the respondent.  

Board View

Think of this as a Pinterest type layout that allows you to quickly see what’s happening.

Timeline View

This shows you the uploads in a reverse-chronological timeline (a bit like Facebook or X on desktop).

We would suggest you use this view when filtering by Respondent as starting from the bottom, you can see their first upload, scroll up to see their 2nd etc.

This view is also useful when you are actively viewing the data as you can scroll down to the latest upload that you have seen and work your way up from there.

Collage View

This is visual snapshot of the data; a way to either view the data for visual patterns.

Filtering by task is a useful way to use this view.

Experience Graph (Optional)

This view becomes available when the Ratings feature has been enabled on the project.

Once respondents have uploaded to the project, assigning ratings when completing a Task for which this feature has been enables, the Experience Graph shows the average, aggregate or collective view of respondents experiences on a Target Group level.

Journey Map (Optional)

This view becomes available when the Ratings feature has been enabled on the project.

Once respondents have uploaded to the project, assigning ratings when completing a Task for which this feature has been enables, this creates a Journey Map for each respondent.

This is a visual representation of the journey a Respondent takes with respect to your research project. This Journey Map creates a moment by moment, touchpoint by touchpoint graph of the highs and lows of the Respondent’s experience.

Each node of the graph represents an individual moment or experience in the entire journey and the rating quantifies the Respondent’s feeling or experience based on the 5 point scale that has been defined for this project.

Word Cloud

1) Keyword Cloud

Using Keywords, you can quickly see a list of the top 100 Keywords for any search you run on the dashboard. For more information, please see: Keywords

The Keyword Cloud allows you to visualise the keywords related to any particular search.

To use this view, select at least one option (eg, Project or Project + Task) in the filters and click on the Search icon.

Then you’ll see the list of keywords associated with that search with the most frequent at the top

2. OCR Work Cloud (Optional)

If enabled on your project, you will also have the option of an OCR cloud.

For more on OCR, please click here: OCR (Optical Character Recognition) (Optional)

Clicking on the OCR tab will show you a cloud of the 50 most used OCR strings (data) in video uploads. (Ensure to filter on your project first)

  • On the left, you will see a list of the strings of text along with the duration of time it appears. You can filter the OCR in this table based on duration or alphabetical order.
  • On the right you will see your OCR Cloud.